
Gina Rinehart Demands Art Gallery Remove Unflattering Portrait Of Her

Michigan Has One Of America’s Best Small Town Art Spots

Old Vase Purchased At Goodwill Sells For Massive Price At Auction

Florida Is Home To The “World’s First Graffiti Museum”

Detroit Named A Best City For Street Art

A Look At Boston’s New Mural Art Partner

Museum Pays Artist $84K, Gets Blank Canvasses Titled ‘Take the Money and Run’

Kim Kardashian Modifies Her Body Again!

Vans Goes Van Gogh In Their Newest Collection, Proceeds To Museum

Tattoo Artist Offers Fresh Ink For Wedding Celebrations

Turn Your Favorite Shoes Into Delicious “Shoe-Shi”

Lost Leonardo Di Vinci Painting Sold For What?!

Woman Uses Dead Bugs as a Nail Design

Lisa Frank Debit Card Makes Adulting Easier

Tattoo Vending Machine Is The Ultimate YOLO

Moving Tattoos Are The Way of The Future!

Did You Know Jim Carrey Loves To Paint?

Bath Bomb Makeup Looks are Everything

Video Icon A circular icon, with a red play button that symbolizes that the post is a video

Artistic Stag Beetle is Taking the Internet by Storm

This Woman Transforms Stretch Marks Into Eye-Catching Art

10 Tattoos The Show How Much People LOVE Jack Daniels

Ay Caramba! You Have to See These Simpsons Tats

Why Are People So Obsessed With Frida Kahlo?

This Woman Photographed All Of Her Facebook Friends